Category Archives: Politics
No teacher left standing
Romney thinks he knows how to help poor kids get educated: wreck public education. A Chance for Every Child sounds a lot like No Child Left Behind. We teachers understood the message when Bush rolled out his big, useless plan: … Continue reading
Stress relief
Because I’m always interested learning about health, I watched a four-year-old National Geographic Special, Stress: Portrait of a Killer. The documentary touched on primate research being conducted by several scientists, but drew extensively on the work of a neuroendocrinologist and … Continue reading
Old Lady in Combat Boots
When you consider how many images we’re bombarded with every day, it’s amazing that we can remember any of them, but we do. The ones that are burned into my consciousness are mostly old, from my college and early adult … Continue reading
Are you worth more than a goat?
When it comes to being born, location is everything— especially for women. So I’m grateful that I wasn’t born in a part of the world where women are routinely denied rights by some fanatical element or another, or a place … Continue reading
It’s a conspiracy!
In a conversation with someone new, I’m often aware of an invisible barrier that arises between the speaker and me when I hear the word conspiracy. A friend from the Internet Writing Workshop captures my feelings when he says, “Conspiracy … Continue reading
Psychotics United
A year ago, the Supreme Court declared, in Citizens United vs Federal Election Commission, that corporations are people, with first amendment rights. The founding fathers must have turned over in their graves. Fortunately, some of our legislators disagree. Altogether, five … Continue reading
A world without lies?
I’ve been thinking about lies and liars since reading an article in the New York Times, about software scientists are working on to detect lying in speech. Though I abhor a liar, I have to admit to having lied in … Continue reading
Honest Graft: An Oxymoron
A recent article in the Christian Science Monitor sent me to a November 13th segment of CBS’s 60 Minutes. In case you haven’t seen it, you can find it here. Steve Kroft interviewed, among others, Peter Schweizer, author of a … Continue reading