Tag Archives: Pervaisve Development Disorder
In Good Company
My nephew Jake, or Jake-o-rama, as I like to call him, is autistic. He was diagnosed when he failed to develop language skills at the appropriate age. Autism is a relatively new diagnosis, although it was first described in the … Continue reading
Posted in Family, Life
Tagged Autism, Autism Spectrum, Beethoven, Behavior Control, Bill Gates, Bob Dylan, Cognitive Skills, Empathy, Executive Function, Forrest Gump, GAMP, Garrison Keillor, George Bernaard Shaw, Girard Academic Music Program, I Am Sam, Language Skills, little Man Tate. What's Eating Gilbert Grape. Einstein Alexander Graham Bell, Mahler. Emily Dickenson, Mozart, Pervaisve Development Disorder, Rain Man, Savant, Sympathy, Temple Grandin, Woody Allen. Al Gore
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